(Not-So) Terrible Twos: CHILD’S PLAY 2 – 35th Anniversary Screening!
Runtime: 84 mins | Release Year: 1990 | Rating: R | Genre(s): Horror, Thriller
Production Country: USA | Original Language: English

35th Anniversary Screening!
The early ’90s (A.K.A. Pre-“SCREAM” era) typically gets a bad rep for delivering sub-par horror films. However, while horror franchises like A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET and FRIDAY THE 13TH were winding down with disappointing “supposed” finales (FREDDY’S DEAD, JASON GOES TO HELL), the CHILD’S PLAY franchise proved it was worthy of a franchise of its own with its surprisingly solid follow up to its 1988 predecessor.
To many horror fans, CHILD’S PLAY 2 is known for being a clever and well-executed horror sequel that builds on its previous entry while delivering memorable kills, more fleshed out character development, genre regulars and one of the best climaxes in horror sequel history! (SERENA WHITNEY)
Cast/Crew Info
Director: John Lafia | Cast: Alex Vincent, Brad Dourif, Christine Elise, Jenny Agutter, Gerrit Graham