420 Day Screening: REEFER MADNESS (1938)
Runtime: 66 mins | Release Year: 1938 | Rating: PG | Genre(s): Drama
Production Country: USA | Original Language: English
High-school principal Dr. Alfred Carroll relates to an audience of parents that marijuana can have devastating effects on teens: a drug supplier entices several restless teens, Mary and Jimmy Lane, sister and brother, and Bill, Mary’s boyfriend, into frequenting a reefer house. Gradually, Bill and Jimmy are drawn into smoking dope, which affects their family lives.
Celebrate 420 Day by watching this infamous film with a themed preshow starting right at 4:20pm!
High-school principal Dr. Alfred Carroll relates to an audience of parents that marijuana can have devastating effects on teens: a drug supplier entices several restless teens, Mary and Jimmy Lane, sister and brother, and Bill, Mary’s boyfriend, into frequenting a reefer house. Gradually, Bill and Jimmy are drawn into smoking dope, which affects their family lives.
Cast/Crew Info
Director: Louis J. Gasnier | Cast: Dorothy Short, Kenneth Craig, Lillian Miles, Dave O’Brien, Thelma White