Dumpster Raccoon: BATMAN RETURNS (1992) – New Restoration!

Runtime: 126 mins | Release Year: 1992 | Rating: PG-13 | Genre(s): Action, Fantasy
Production Country: USA | Original Language: English

No upcoming showtimes available.

19+ Event! 


It’s Christmastime in Gotham City! 


But when the sinister PENGUIN (a Mephistophelian DANNY DEVITO) hatches a terrifying holiday revenge on the city’s first families as rocket-powered recompense for his rotten childhood, it falls to BATMAN (a bemused MICHAEL KEATON) to save the day! Can he stop this demonic yuletide mayoral bid (funded by a Trump-esque CHRISTOPHER WALKEN) before the city is lost to corruption and greed – or will the ruthless CATWOMAN (an electrifying Michelle Pfeiffer in the greatest performance of her and SEVERAL careers) beat him to it???


Lugubrious, unhinged, and impossibly horny, BATMAN RETURNS is Tim Burton at the height of his powers and commercial success – with anxious studios finding it irresistible to say no as budgets and concepts spiralled and toy and happy meal companies grew incredibly nervous. The film also contains career-high performances from both Devito and Pfeiffer, each chewing so much scenery that even Christopher Walken seems taken aback (while poor Keaton remains, as when opposite Nicholson in the first film, left to play a befuddled straight man, fifth business in the title role). 


The result is an expressionist, baroque extravaganza that baffled family audiences and defined a genre and generation – and gave us a Christmas movie that is surprisingly insistent on its themes of redemption, grace, and good will towards men…”and women.”

Join DUMPSTER RACCOON CINEMA as we celebrate the holidays – with video preshow, host Anthony Oliveira, live performance, and cocktails by the Shameful Tiki Room!

Part of the Dumpster Raccoon series!

Cast/Crew Info
Tim Burton | Cast: Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito, Michelle Pfeiffer, Christopher Walken, Michael Gough