Free Members-Only Screening: SECRET SCREENING!

Runtime: 85 mins | Release Year: 1990 | Rating: | Genre(s):
Production Country: USA | Original Language: Swedish

‣ Tuesday May 06th @ 06:45 PM

REVUE MEMBERS-ONLY SCREENING! (* Includes Loyalty, Individual & Family Membership Cardholders)


It’s time for another SECRET SCREENING at The Revue! It’s a secret and you won’t know what the film is until it starts!


A month from the screening, we will send a hint about the film via Email every Friday! We will also have a limited edition poster of the film to purchase illustrated by Johny Bekavac at concessions once the film is projecting on the big screen!


*In order to claim a FREE TICKET, you must be a current Revue Cinema Member (Loyalty, Individual or Family Cardholder) and register your free ticket with the name and email address you used when you signed up for your membership! Memberships will be checked at the door!


NOT A MEMBER AND WANT TO GO? Become a Revue member by signing up HERE:

Cast/Crew Info
Frank Henenlotter | Cast: