Hollywood Suite’s Movie Madness: LITTLE WOMEN – 30th Anniversary Screening!
Runtime: 119 mins | Release Year: 1994 | Rating: PG | Genre(s): Drama, Romance
Production Country: USA | Original Language: English

You voted and the winner of Hollywood Suite’s “Tis the Season” Movie Madness bracket is… Little Women (1994)!
This December, you’re invited to cozy up with Gillian Armstrong’s Oscar-nominated adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s 1868 iconic novel. While certainly not the first film to take on the beloved March sisters’ saga, the 1994 version has become near and dear to film lovers of all ages over the past three decades. Armstrong’s earnest direction pairs so wonderfully with Robin Swicord’s warm, and often hilarious, script. And then, of course, there is the all-star cast, which includes Winona Ryder as headstrong writer Jo, Kirsten Dunst (and Samantha Mathis) as dreamy artist Amy, Claire Danes as quiet activist Beth, Christian Bale as charming neighbour Laurie, and Susan Sarandon as March matriarch Marmee.
So, stockpile your tissues and join Hollywood Suite at the Revue on Tuesday, December 3 for a 30th anniversary screening of this seasonally appropriate comfort classic.
Part of the Hollywood Suite series!
Cast/Crew Info
Director: Gillian Armstrong | Cast: Winona Ryder, Gabriel Byrne, Trini Alvarado, Samantha Mathis, Kirsten Dunst