Films »
Neon Dreams: CHARLEY VARRICK (1973)
Runtime: 111 mins | Release Year: 1973 | Rating: PG | Genre(s): Crime, Thriller
Production Country: USA | Original Language: English
‣ Friday May 23rd @ 09:30 PM

Neon Dreams presents screen legend Walter Matthau like you’ve never seen him before. In Charley Varrick, Don Siegel’s explosive piece of ’70s neo-noir cinema, Matthau gives us his version of a very R-rated James Bond. He’s sly, he’s crafty, he’s a master-of-disguise, and he has beautiful women begging him to sleep with them.
In a rare non-comedic turn for Matthau, he plays a stunt pilot and small-time bank robber who makes the mistake of inadvertently stealing from the mafia. This triggers a full-on manhunt by vicious mob hitman “Molly”, played with sadistic pleasure by Joe Don Baker (who is giving Anton Chigurh levels of menace). Sharing the screen with Matthau and Baker are some of cinema’s greatest character actors including Andrew Robinson, John Vernon, Norman Fell, and Sheree North among others. Thanks to an ingeniously plotted script, immaculate stuntwork, and propulsive direction by the legendary Don Siegel, this is one seriously satisfying thriller that moves from one brilliant set-piece to another, barely giving you a chance to catch your breath.
This screening and others are made possible thanks to our wonderful sponsor Hollywood Suite.
Part of the Neon Dreams series!
Cast/Crew Info
Director: Don Siegel | Cast: Walter Matthau, Joe Don Baker, Felicia Farr, Andrew Robinson, Sheree North