(Not-So) Terrible Twos: BLADE RUNNER 2049 (2017)

Runtime: 164 mins | Release Year: 2017 | Rating: R | Genre(s): Drama, Science Fiction
Production Country: USA | Original Language: English

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To celebrate Noirvember, our next (Not-So) Terrible Twos is the gritty film noir sequel, BLADE RUNNER 2049! 


In the cinephile community, a sequel to Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner was always a point of contention for a couple of decades before Denis Villeneuve’s follow-up BLADE RUNNER 2049 hit the big screen. Many asked if it was even necessary to make a sequel to the cult classic in the first place.


Due to unreasonably high expectations, doubt and a very long runtime,  the follow-up didn’t perform as well at the box office as expected, but has since gained a loyal cult following since. 


While BLADE RUNNER 2049 may not reached the same level of popularity as its successor, its ingenuity, visual panache and incredible style are factors as to why this underrated sequel is appreciated today and it should be witnessed on the big screen! (Serena Whitney) 

Part of the (Not-So) Terrible Twos series!

Cast/Crew Info
Denis Villeneuve | Cast: Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Ana de Armas, Dave Bautista, Robin Wright