Toronto Silent Film Festival: LAFFS IN THE AFT COMEDY SHOW

Runtime: 92 mins | Release Year: 2024 | Rating: | Genre(s):
Production Country: USA | Original Language: English

‣ Sunday April 13th @ 04:00 PM

Get ready to close the festival with a smile!


LAFFS IN THE AFT (formally 1000 Laffs) a trio and a bit of the best in silent comedy


Live Accompaniment: Jordan Klapman


Programmer and silent comedy expert Chris Seguin presents The Attack of the straw Boatered Comedians 😉


Nothing says snappy slapstick like a chap sporting a straw boater. This year, the TSFF is proud to present bespectacled Harold Lloyd, ever-embarrassed Charley Chase, and a pre-Oliver Hardy Stan Laurel in a trio of comic triumphs.In our main feature, FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE, Harold Lloyd plays millionaire Harold J. Manners, whose devil-may-care ways take a turn heavenward when he goes gaga for the daughter of the minister at a grungy downtown mission. Of course, this being a Harold Lloyd comedy, it climaxes in an adrenaline-pumping chase that tears up the streets of 1920s L.A. (pedestrians beware).But first, Stan Laurel sports a skimmer (in lieu of his trademark derby) in A MAN ABOUT TOWN, a fun ten minutes of merry mix-ups. Laurel & Hardy’s ubiquitous nemesis, James (“D’oh!”) Finlayson, joins in as a store detective who bases most of his detecting on a hunch.ASSISTANT WIVES* sees Charley Chase, silent comedy’s ultimate everyman (if every man was unusually charming, charismatic and clever) in search of a wife — pronto! — to impress the boss. What follows is a frantic farce full of mistaken identities, slamming doors, clambering up and down fire escapes, and soup going unspilled.Finally, we showcase a certain iconic animated mouse is his very first film (not the one you think), which was designed and produced for the silent screen. We’re proud to present it with a brand new score by our own Jordan Klapman.*TSFF is grateful to Kit Parker Films, Richard M. Roberts and Paul Gierucki for the use of the new restoration of Assistant Wives



Part of the Toronto Silent Film Festival series!

Cast/Crew Info
Austin Snell | Cast: