Toronto Silent Film Festival: MANTRAP (1926)
Runtime: 86 mins | Release Year: 1926 | Rating: NR | Genre(s): Comedy, Western
Production Country: USA | Original Language: No Language

Clara Bow comedy! Live accompaniment by Tania Gill.
The Jazz baby goes west in the absolutely delightfully frothy Clara Bow film. As the manicurist with the most, she catches the eye of backwoodsman Joe during a trip the the “big city” and brings her back to Mantrap as his bride! Ok, some suspension of disbelief is needed for that, but trust us when we say it works–and if you’ve never seen big lunky Ernest Torrence stealing scenes, this is a good way to start. Meanwhile, high-priced divorce lawyer Ralph is tired of his whining clientele and is need of a retreat away from those women! Enter Woodbury (Eugene Pallette) who whisks him off to the boonies in Mantrap Manitoba Canada for a manly vacation.
You just know what’s going to happen when the biggest flirt on the planet sees him-wedding ring be damned.
In a bit of a reversal for Canadians who are used to having parts of our nation standing in for the USA, we have California shooting locations standing in for mythical Mantrap, Manitoba! And as with any American film with Canada in it, expect Mounties.
Clara declared this as her favourite film. Defty directed by Victor Fleming and beautifully photographed by James Wong Howe’s (one of his first as DOP), it’s a light as feathers romp and a breakthrough for Clara.
Plus: short subjects
Part of the Toronto Silent Film Festival series!
Cast/Crew Info
Director: Victor Fleming | Cast: Clara Bow, Ernest Torrence, Percy Marmont, Eugene Pallette, Tom Kennedy